Wednesday 6 August 2008

First NY To LA Living Donor Transplant Chain Results In Three Lifesaving Kidney Transplants

�The lives of leash Los Angeles area kidney transplant patients were transformed by one of the West Coast's first tripartite living presenter kidney transplant chains, made possible through the generosity of a non-directed, altruistic kidney donor from New York City -- proclaimed today at a articulation news conference.

The carefully orchestrated surgeries, which took place July 24 and 30 at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, also involved one of the first transcontinental live-kidney donations.

The kidney from the New York giver was delivered by the New York Organ Donor Network to UCLA's operating room for the July 30 transplant after existence removed by Dr. Joseph Del Pizzo, director of laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery in urology and associate professor of urogenital medicine at NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell.

The "donor chain" is an innovative twist on efforts aimed at increasing the donor puddle by giving people world Health Organization are ineffective to donate to a loved one or friend the chance to still give a kidney through an exchange between incompatible donor recipient role pairs. The domino effect of "chains" creates receiver donor "clusters," with each subsequent cluster beginning with a "remnant" donor wHO starts the new bundle.

NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell and its medical partner, The Rogosin Institute, initiated one of the nation's low three-way kidney donor chains in February. The UCLA chain is the number one in Southern California, delivery hope to those with kidney disease in California and the western United States. The project partners with the National Kidney Registry (hTTP://, which matches donors and recipients through a specialized figurer program developed by businessman and register founder Garet Hil.

Hil started the register when his youngest girl needed a transplant and tests revealed that her body would have spurned his kidney, as well as kidneys from trey uncles and the anonymous New York donor world Health Organization ultimately started the chemical chain at UCLA.

"If all incompatible donors and recipients were simply listed in one common pool, the problems related to incompatible and poorly matched donors and recipients would be a thing of the past," Hil said.

"NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell introduced the registry to UCLA a few months ago, suggestion UCLA to join the innovative programme," said Dr. Jeffrey Veale, assistant professor of urology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and director of the paired-donation program.

"This is a rare instance of a living donor kidney being shipped across the country to initiate a chain," Veale said. "If we can become comfortable shipping living donor kidneys like we do with deceased donor kidneys, then thousands of patients will have the opportunity to receive a kidney world Health Organization otherwise would have been forced to remain on dialysis."

"The hope is that this simon Marks the first base of many such collaborations among the nation's transplant centers," said Dr. Sandip Kapur, foreman of transplant surgery and associate professor of oR at NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell.

"Donor chains have enormous voltage to extend the donor pool and to provide better matched organs for the many individuals wHO are in desperate want of lifesaving transplants," Kapur said.

"Kidney donor chains could have a significant impact on the country's organ donor deficit," said Dr. David Serur, medical director of The Rogosin Institute Transplant Center and associate professor of clinical medical specialty at NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell.

"Most paired exchanges are swaps, and they end," he said, "whereas the chain involves an extra bestower in the beginning, so you can buoy initiate a self-propagating cascade."

Normally, a kidney is delivered when it comes from a deceased donor; live donors typically have the kidney extracted at the same midpoint where it is deep-rooted in the recipient the same day.

"But in this case, UCLA received a live-donor kidney from New York, which hasn't been done earlier," Veale said.

Here's how the kidney ernst Boris Chain worked at UCLA:

Pamela Heckathorn, of Cypress, Calif., was to receive a kidney from her cousin Dave Busk, wHO lives in the Los Angeles region. Husband and wife Arturo and Maricela Carvajal, of Fillmore, Calif., were to have formed a donor-recipient pair, and Randy Platt, of Covina, Calif., cherished to give a kidney to his mother, Inocenta. But each of these donors sour out to be incompatible with their loved ones.

So on July 24, Busk's kidney was given to Maricela, and Arturo's was given to Inocenta. And on July 30, the altruistic New York donor's kidney was flown from NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell to UCLA and given to Pamela Heckathorn. Randy Platt will be the "nosepiece" to broach another cluster and more than transplants.

"Living bestower exchange represents the superlative of teamwork and professional and personal trust and good faith that ideally epitomizes the organ transpose endeavor," aforementioned Dr. Gabriel Danovitch, prof of medicine in the UCLA Division of Nephrology and medical director of the UCLA Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Program. "The team consists of surgeons, physicians, nurses, coordinators, patients and donors all working together toward the like goal."

Other members of the NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell transfer team included: Dr. David Leeser, assistant attending surgeon and helper professor of surgery in transplantation; Marian Charlton, R.N., living donor transplant coordinator; Judith Hambleton, R.N., director of living donor transplanting; Allyson Pifko, R.N., transfer data coordinator; and Jennifer Keen, L.M.S.W., living donor transplant social worker.

Other members of the UCLA surgical team were: Dr. H. Albin Gritsch, associate prof of urology and surgical director of the UCLA Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Program; Dr. Gerald Lipshutz, assistant prof of surgical operation and urology and director of the UCLA Highly Sensitized Kidney Transplant Program; Dr. Peter Schulam, associate professor of urology; and Dr. Jennifer Singer, supporter clinical prof of urogenital medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine and director of pediatric urogenital medicine at Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Dr. Alan H. Wilkinson, conductor with Danovitch of the Kidney and Kidney-Pancreas Transplantation Programs and professor of medicine, Division of Nephrology and Suzanne McGuire, R.N., living-donor transplant coordinator, were also mired with the patients' care.

Nearly 79,000 people ar on the kidney transplant waiting list in the United States, according to statistics from the United Network for Organ Sharing. California only has some 16,240 people on the list.

"Patients can waitress up to eight geezerhood for a deceased presenter transplant," Veale said. "This donor sir Ernst Boris Chain may enable hundreds of patients to receive a kidney, thanks to one generous altruistic donor, quite than in the past, where but one patient benefited from an altruistic donor. This could significantly decrease the waiting lean for kidney transplantation."

Background on Donors and Recipients

The altruistic donor's decision to give a kidney was the culmination of several profound life experiences.

"I have had the incredibly distressing experience of having a colleague die while waiting for a kidney graft," said the donor, wHO has chosen to remain anonymous. "I have a close friend who donated a kidney to her brother, and I have a fill up friend wHO received a kidney more than a decade ago -- and I see the terrific experiences she's had since.

"When I started thinking around it, I thought, 'I'm ble and healthy at this pointedness in my life to do this -- to help individual have more years of a wagerer life -- why non donate?' The peach of this partnership between excellent doctors, transplant coordinators and staff at NewYork Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, UCLA and a grouping of seven-spot people -- a partnership connecting both coasts -- is that a concatenation of people have better lives, and the chain goes on."

Pamela Heckathorn, 51, has polycystic kidney disease (PKD). Her father died of complications from PKD at historic period 49, and her brother, who besides has PKD, received a transplant around 10 years ago.

"If we can get this interchange program sledding, it's going to be the respond to dozens of people's situations," she said. "This is loss to help so many people mastered the line."

For his portion, David Busk, a tec with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, is happy that the program is retention Heckathorn off the grueling dialysis regimen.

"I really conceive this program is a good thing," said Busk, who is only seven-spot days jr. than his cousin. "Pam couldn't sit on the transplant wait-list for several years. Something needed to be through with. I'm glad I could do my part to help."

For Maricela Carvajal, 36, who was discovered to have kidney problems when she was pregnant with her daughter 13 years ago, her participation may serve to highlight the importance of organ donation among Hispanics, who ar generally reluctant to be donors.

"To me, it's unfortunate that more Latinos don't donate," she said. "Everyone would benefit if more than donated. Today it's me, tomorrow it's someone else."

Her husband, Arturo, 44, aforementioned this system gives lifespan to others and volition also free his kinsperson to call relatives in Mexico. They can't go now due to Maricela's dialysis schedule.

"Whatever affects her impacts everyone in the family," Arturo said. "It was like a closed door that is now being open again."

Inocenta Platt's kidneys were destroyed by the autoimmune disease lupus. Though her son Randy wanted to donate, the 52-year-old Inocenta's body would have rejected his kidney without big amounts of anti-rejection medications, since the match was not ideal. The decision to be involved was an easy one for mother and son.

"Randy and I talked about it, and we said, 'OK, he's willing to give to person else, and I won't have to take as many medications after the surgery,'" she said.

Randy, 30, feels proud in his status as the bridge conferrer to a new cluster.

"It gives me a sense of role," he said.

He was determined to participate, even losing weight in order to qualify for the surgery.

The UCLA Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Program performed its first kidney transplant in 1957 and for the past 50 years has continued to be a national loss leader in both clinical research and donnish excellence. UCLA is the second-largest kidney transplant syllabus in the country and the largest in Southern California, playing hundreds of adult and pediatric transplants each year. The program has some of the best outcomes in the country, according to the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients, a national database of organ transplant statistics. UCLA's program has helped pioneer the use of minimally invading laparoscopic surgery to remove kidneys from living donors. For more information, visit

NewYork Presbyterian Hospital's organ transplantation program -- which includes NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia and the Rogosin Institute -- has performed more transplants this year than whatever other shopping mall in the nation. It offers comprehensive and individualised care for the ticker, liver, pancreas, kidney and lung. With outcomes ranked among the nation's best, the hospital is consecrate to up quality of life for its patients. NewYork-Presbyterian's consecrate teams of surgeons and physicians ar responsible for many substantial advances made over the past several decades in transplant surgery and the maintenance of healthy variety meat. The hospital has been on the forefront of developing and improving anti-rejection medications (immunosuppressants), minimally invasive surgery for living donors, genetic methods to discover transplant rejection, strategies to increase opportunities for donor matching, islet cell transplanting and the Food and Drug Administration approved left hand ventricle help device (LVAD), which functions as a bridge to transplantation for those wait for a new spirit.

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